Hi there. If you click on the photo now, it will take you to a high-res version that you can right-click on and save to your hard drive. I've also done this for the photo of the steps. I'll keep these versions up for a couple of weeks and then take them down. Feel free to use them on your blog. Thanks!
simon - you are REALLY good. this one just stopped me. I could easily see this one and the staircase blown up and framed. interesting in selling?
Thanks! If you'd like, I can give you a link to a high-res version that you can print out yourself or make a photo from. Let me know.
that would be great - thank you! can i also use some in my haiku challenge?
Hi there. If you click on the photo now, it will take you to a high-res version that you can right-click on and save to your hard drive. I've also done this for the photo of the steps. I'll keep these versions up for a couple of weeks and then take them down.
Feel free to use them on your blog.
thanks simon. hope all is well with you.
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